Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Statements T F First four words 0 At the beginning of the 17 th century England had a population of less than ten million. ✘ When Queen Elizabeth I 1 English has spread so quickly because people today travel more than in the past. 2 Non-natives often use English. 3 75 per cent of international visits are by people who speak English as their first language. 4 Popular music and US movies have helped English to become a lingua franca. 5 The rise of English is the only reason for smaller languages to disappear. 6 More than 50 per cent of the world population speak Spanish and Chinese. 7 More people speak Mandarin as a second language than English. b) Go through the text again and find alternatives for the following phrases. today approximately has gone up according to a recent study that explains why moreover quite considerable have decreased/fallen increasingly Speaking about languages In pairs, look at the diagrams and then talk about languages and their importance. Use the phrases from the task above. 2 Word bank Talking about diagrams The graph shows … . • pie chart • bar chart • percentage • per cent • to amount to • to estimate • estimated • with regard to • as far as … is concerned • ranking • to rank (fourth) W Tourism and speaker interaction Estimated ranking of languages (native speakers) (Data derived from World Tourism Organisation) English to English 4% English to other countries 12% Other countries to English 10% Non-English speaking to non-English speaking 74% 0 200 400 600 800 1000 German 105 Japanese 127 Russian 165 Arabic 206 Bengali 215 Portuguese 216 Spanish 330 English 375 Hindi 460 Chinese 982 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv