Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

9 First time in “Oz” Blake Serafino, a 19-year-old from Sydney, regularly posts bits of information on his popular website for young first-time visitors to “Oz”.  “Wow, Oz was one big jail!” (posted 30 July) A lot of young visitors get excited by the idea that Australia used to be a penal colony. And yes, it’s true. In 1788 the British started sending shiploads of prisoners to Oz. They made thousands of convicts spend the rest of their lives here. And they made them do a lot of the heavy work in the new colony, like building roads. OK, some were dangerous criminals, but judges also had people sent to the other side of the world for stealing apples! Anyway, you’ll find it easier to make friends on your travels if you don’t start conversations with “So what awful things did your ancestors do?”  Oz and Britain (posted 12 Aug.) Don’t let anyone tell you that Oz is just a sunnier version of Britain. Oz will always have its British background, but while most immigrants used to come from Europe, now they almost all come from Asia. Today our role in the Asian-Pacific world is very important to us. Aussies also spend their holidays in nearby Singapore or Bali much more often than in faraway Europe.  Yummy! (posted 17 Sept.) You’ve seen the animals on Australia’s coat of arms, right? Well, how would you like to have them served to you on a plate?! Weird, huh? Some of our food is odd, but you shouldn’t let preconceptions stand in your way. Learn from my example! For my 16 th birthday, my parents let me have a huge party. But they also had kinds of exotic dishes delivered by a local restaurant: green ants, witchetty grubs, and emu, kangaroo and crocodile meat! I didn’t use to like that stuff at all. Just the idea of it made me feel sick! But not any more. Emu, roo and crocodile are OK, but … Understanding Oz a) What does Blake not recommend for small talk, and why? b) Why is Australia becoming less European? Give two reasons. c) Which aspects of “Oz” that Blake mentions are the most interesting to you? Why? Find the rule: let, make and have a) Look at the pictures and match the sentences with the phrases provided. 1 to give somebody orders to do something 2 to arrange for somebody to do something for you 3 to allow something to happen 3 She let the boy kiss her. He made his son clean the swimming pool. They had the pizzas delivered 1 2 ✔ 124 Australia Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv