Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Wordwise Australia in words a) Follow the examples and write as many words as you can think of for each topic. Aboriginal culture European settlement Animal world Geography/Climate indigenous … penal colony … kangaroo … outback … b) Think about what you have learned about Australia. What is the one aspect you like the most about the country? And the least? Write a short paragraph about each. Real Australian A surfie is phoning his best mate. Can you guess what the marked words mean? Bastard, you missed a lot of rippers today at the beach. It was ace! (…) Yeah, chocka with sheilas. (…) Sure, met a hottie. (…) Er, good question. Can’t remember. Alexia? Alena? (…) Hey, don’t rubbish me, I just met this sheila without a bloke! She’s from – uh – Latvia? Lithuania? Hot chick, anyway. I invited ’em over for a party tonight. She’s bringin’ a friend. (…) Hey, that’s your problem, mate: If you weren’t with your oldies this weekend, you could be here, too. (…) Yeah, that was the doorbell, they’re here! I can see ’em through the window. With empty plates! (…) No, bloody oath! I wanted ’em to bring plates; but where’s the food ?! Word formation: Prefixes a) In your exercise book, make new words with … … these prefixes … and these words. dis- out- mis- re- over- un- adventure agree confident use controlled do live patient read changing sleep Prefix New word Meaning dis- disagree not to agree, express a different opinion … … … b) Check the meaning of the new words with your English dictionary. Guessing new words a) Read the text and guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Thinking of e. g. the word family and context might help you. Australian ¡lm star Cate Blanchett was born in Melbourne. She appeared in plays when she was still at school. AŒer graduating from Sydney’s National Institute of Dramatic Arts in 1992, she had her ¡rst major stage role in 1993, and from there she went on to ¡lms. Her ¡lm role as Queen Elizabeth I earned her numerous awards, including an Oscar nomination in 1999. She won an Oscar in 2005 for her role as best supporting actress in e Aviator . In 2006 she and her husband were appointed directors of the Sydney eatre Company. b) In your exercise book write down the meaning and how you guessed it. 1 2 3 Tip The meaning of a word can change when you add a prefix. Examples: happy – un happy own – dis own cry – out cry How do the prefixes change the meaning of the words? T 4 123 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv