Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Aspects of Australia a) Look at the pictures on these two pages. What impression do you get of Australia? • Make a list of aspects you regard as most important and/or typical. • Add information you already know if you can. b) After having taken a closer look at the photos and your list, discuss the following aspects with a partner. Agree on three points which both of you think are the most important and/or typical of Australia. • cities • nature/wildlife • sport 2 Fact file Australia • Population: 22 million (56 th in world, 2.9 people per sq. km) • Area: 7.7 million sq. km (6 th largest country in the world) • Capital: Canberra • Largest city: Sydney • Ethnic groups: 92% white, 7% Asian, 1% Aboriginal and other F • the sea • Aboriginal culture and heritage 115 Goals • Discuss Australia, its culture, history and people (Indigenous Australians, settlers, nature/animals). • Comment on discrimination. • Analyse a short story and characterise its protagonists. • Take better notes while listening for gist and details. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv