Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

9 Australia quiz a) Answer the questions about Australia. If you don’t know the correct answer make up a good explanation for your classmates. • Australia Day is celebrated on January 26 th . Why January 26 th ? • What do kangaroos, koalas and the Tasmanian devil have in common? • Where does the name Australia come from? • What are drop bears? • How many Australians are “urban dwellers” (i.e. people who live in cities)? b) Can you make a similar quiz about another country? 1 Word bank Explaining something to others to indicate • to refer to … as • an expression for • a term referring to • to come from • to go back to • was first used when • to describe • the reason why … • to be called • is used for • to mean • to stand for • Experts say/have proved that … . W 114 Unit Australia 9 Internet resources ef348h Nur zu Prüfzwecken c e – Eigentum des Verlags öbv