Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

8 Improving your style Writing stories also means that you have to take great care when composing your sentences and paragraphs. Sentence structure Look at the two texts (A and B) below and describe the differences. • Which of the texts is more dramatic? • Which text gives you a better insight into what was happening? • Which passages would be more appropriate in a story, which would be more suitable for a newspaper report? 1 Grammar For more details see  G 9 Adverbial clauses Adverbial clauses express time , place , reason and condition . They are often used to make a text more lively and more entertaining and they help you to improve your style. Adverbial clauses are a common feature of story writing. • Adverbial phrase: in the rain • Adverbial clause: When it was raining … . Conjunctions help you to link the adverbial clause with the rest of the sentence and help you to organise your ideas in a logical way. Typical conjunctions Time Place Reason Condition as soon as, since, before, after, while, when where because, as, for, (al)though if, unless G Text A A…er the rain the race continued. e cars were going at high speed again. e rst driver saw that he was going too fast. He suddenly slowed down. en he was hit from behind and crashed into the barrier. … Text B When the rain had stopped, the race continued. e cars were going at high speed again. But the rst driver suddenly slowed down because he saw that he was going too fast. As soon as his car lost speed, he was hit from behind and crashed into the barrier. … Adverbial clauses Rewrite the two sentences in each line by using adverbial clauses. 1. It was a rainy evening. • Alison did not want to go out. 2. She had a little snack for dinner. • She watched the news on TV. 3. She didn’t enjoy the food. • She thought of her last conversation with Samuel, her boyfriend. 4. She felt worried. • He was so cold and somewhat distracted. 2 108 Crime and suspense Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv