Begegnungen mit der Natur 8, Arbeitsheft

26 Mechanismen der Evolution How about using English – Ideas about evolution Schulbuch Seite 86–89 O Look at the pictures of the scientists and complete the text below with the correct names. suggested that a series of catastrophes like Noah’s flood led to the extinction of plants and animals. After each catastrophe new species had been created. was one of the first scientists who thought that species had changed in adaptation to their environment. thought that characteristics which organisms developed during their life would be passed on to their offspring. recognized that the organisms in a population vary slightly from one another. He sug- gested that special variations may better adapt some organisms to their environment than others. Such organisms will survive (survival of the fittest) and pass on their characteristics to their offspring. Therefore, a population will gradually become better suited to its environment (theory of natural selection). Charles Darwin Georges Cuvier Georges de Buffon Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv