Begegnungen mit der Natur 8, Arbeitsheft

24 Vererbung und Humangenetik How about using English – Recessive or dominant? 1. Cystic fibrosis Schulbuch Seite 64 O Tom, Gina’s father, has one allele for cystic fibrosis and one normal allele. Is he suffering from cystic fibrosis? ¨ Yes. Explain why. ¨ No. Explain why. Sally, Gina’s mother, isn’t affected by the disease. Is it possible that Gina is affected? ¨ Yes. Explain why. ¨ No. Explain why. Complete the table Name alleles affected by cystic fibrosis (yes/no) carrier (yes/no) Jane CC Maria cc Robert Cc 2. Chorea Huntington Chorea Huntington is an inherited disorder which damages the nervous system. The symptoms appear at an age about 35 years: Chorea Huntington patients cannot control their muscles, their bodies jerk suddenly and gradually they cannot think clearly. Mostly, they die in middle age. George is affected by the Huntington’s disorder. a) Is the allele that causes Chorea Huntington dominant or recessive? b) How likely is it that Sara is affected by Chorea Huntington? Tom Sally Gina hH George Sandra Sara hh ? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv