Begegnungen mit der Natur 6, Arbeitsheft

8 Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung How about using English – Male and female reproductive organs Answer the following questions by using the illustrations below. Schulbuch Seite 36–38 O Where are the male gametes, the sperm, produced? What is the name of the sacs of skin outside the body, where the testes are located? What is the name of the tube that carries the sperm away from each testis? Where the vas deferens joins the urethra, there is a gland. Name it. Where are the female gametes, the eggs, produced? What is the name of the tube that leads away from each ovary? Where do the two oviducts lead to? Where does fertilisation take place? bladder spermatic duct prostata gland cavernous body urethra epididymis testis glans penis foreskin scrotum seminal vesicle Cowper’s gland anus rectum fallopian tube endometrium ovary bladder cervix vagina urethra clitoris anus rectum uterus labium majus Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv