zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Underline phrases for giving directions in task 01 and 02 and copy them into the chart. turn right turn left go up(stairs), take the escal­ ator/lift to the second floor go down(stairs), go down the steps, take the lift to the lower ground floor go straight ahead, go to the far end, go through the arch others take the second aisle on the left take the second aisle on the right turn around take the first aisle on the right follow the signs, just around the corner All these things have something to do with a mall. What is their correct definition? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. kiosk thrift shop flagship store mall rat shopping spree bag lady anchor store a teenager who spends all of his or her time at the mall with friends spending all your money on everything you can get your hands on a small structure, usually open in front for selling goods or services its purpose is not to generate a profit, but to be a showcase for the brand a poor woman, often homeless, who uses bags or shopping carts to transport her possessions a major retail store used to attract customers to the other shops a place where goods can be donated to be refurbished and sold Look at these pictures! What can you see? They show advantages and disadvantages in a mall. Then think of some more and add your own ideas! advantages of a shopping mall disadvantages of a shopping mall comfort (air con, safety, rain …) crowded (especially at Christmas) wheelchair accessible too much walking possibilities for socialising parking can be tricky at weekends one stop shop (everything under one roof) far away from city centre (traffic, pollution) all the big shops are there (big franchises) noise and visual pollution you can eat there temptation is everywhere; shoplifting 03 A2 04 A2 05 A2–B1 98 Unit 18 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv