zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

It’s raining and so many tourists are at the mall in your city today. English speaking people keep asking you where they can buy different things. Look at the plan below and tell them where to go and how they can get there. Find English translations for the shops. 02 A2 Tip Giving directions • go straight ahead • go left • go right • go upstairs • go downstairs • take the escalator/lift up/down • take the first/second aisle left • turn around! 3 At the chemist’s: They don’t have any pills for my headache, here. Do you know where I should go? 2 At the sports shop: Excuse me, could you help me … I’m looking for the toilets? 5 At the Indian Restaurant: Could you tell me where I could get a good Austrian cake for dessert? 1 At the supermarket: Could you tell me where I can find some birthday cards? There are none here. 1 Go up the escalator to the second floor. It is the second shop on the right. 4 At the American Diner: They don’t accept credit cards here. Could you tell me where there is an ATM? 7 Outside the bookshop: I’m looking for a present for my mother, but they don’t have any books in English. Do you know where I could find one about Austria? 6 Outside the cinema: A screw has fallen out of my glasses. Is there an optician’s shop here? 97 A day at the mall 18 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv