zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Offering help at the information desk. Read the short dialogues and label the photos. Lea: Good morning. How may I help you? Customer: I am looking for a traditional Austrian dress for my granddaughter. Lea: I think you mean a Dirndl. Take the escalator to the second floor and turn right. It is the fourth shop on the left. It is called “Alm und Wiesn”. Lea: Good morning. Is there anything I can do for you? Customer: Yes. Could you please tell me where the toilets are? Lea: Certainly, sir. Go down the steps or take the lift to the lower ground floor. You will see the signs for the toilets to your left. Just follow the signs. Lea: Good afternoon, sir. Do you need any help? Customer: I am looking for a place that sells these Austrian chocolate balls. I don’t know what they are called. Lea: I think you mean Mozart Kugeln. Go straight ahead until you come to the ATM. Then turn left and it is just around the corner. The shop is called “Schoko- lateria”. Lea: Good evening. Can I help you with anything? Customer: Yes. We’d like to get a bite to eat and then go to the cinema. Could you tell us where the cinema is and is there a restaurant nearby? Lea: Sure. Go to the far end of the mall. You’ll see an arch – go through that and you’ll see our food court – you can get all kinds of food there. And to the right of that is the cinema. You can’t miss it. 01 A2 listening 9tz6be Word bank traditional traditionell escalator Rolltreppe ATM Bankomat cinema Kino arch Bogen food court Platz mit Restaurants Tip 5 a.m.–11:59 = Good morning 12–6 p.m. = Good afternoon 6 p.m.–10 p.m. Good evening food court escalator A day at the mall Today Lea has to help out at the mall’s information desk because the person who usually works there is ill. All kinds of people ask her for help. Often they are tourists and cannot speak German. At first Lea is very nervous, but soon she gets the hang of things. In fact she loves helping people and she loves speaking English! Even though she makes mistakes the customers like speaking to her because she is so friendly. Have you already had English-speaking customers? Do you know how to help them? Do you speak English? 96 Unit 18 Yes, I do … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv