zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What about your favourite clothes? Describe one of your smart outfits to a partner. What are the different parts of the outfit made of? What are the accessories made of? My smartest outfit is one I wear for (occasion) … My favourite clothes are … They are made from … It consists of (list items and accessories) … which are made of … Useful phrases: There are many different products in shops, made from many different materials. Complete the texts. Use your favourite translation tool to look up the words you don’t know. lace ceramic linen felt silver enamelled-iron foam cotton wood stainless-steel rubber soles heatproof-glass wool steel rubies pottery nylon canvas plastic (3x) stone leather silicone (2x) diamonds aluminium emeralds synthetic materials gold Anna works in a shoeshop. She sells shoes and boots made from  leather  or synthetic materials  with  rubber soles  . Lucy works in a cookware shop. She sells cooking utensils, pots and pans made from  stainlesssteel  , ceramic  ,  enamellediron  , plastic  ,  heatproofglass  ,  pottery and  silicone  . Biljana works in a DIY store. She sells many tools made from  steel  and  plastic for working with  stone  and  wood  . Tibor works in a sports shop. He sells hiking products and rucksacks made from  foam  , aluminium  ,  plastic  and  canvas  , impregnated with  silicone  . Lejla works in a textile shop. She sells fabric/materials made from  cotton  ,  linen  , wool  ,  felt  ,  lace  and  nylon  curtains. Jiao works in a jewellery shop. She sells jewel­ lery items made from  gold  and  silver  , with precious stones like  diamonds  ,  emeralds  and  rubies  . Mosaic Wordsearch: Find 18 materials from this unit. ● ● 04 A2 05 A2–B1 W O O L T D I G L A S S Y P L A S T I C O P B C L O X F I L K H O R S C T F O F W R F I S E F O E S O A L N C S I L K V C O T T O N Y L E A T H E R O D Z F E L T E D C B E N O T I A F A Y H G P T A W E R I N E S P F N I E G E L W H C A R K L L M A D H B O V E A Z G M Y D Z R U B B E R T F X S I P F U T S I L V E R W J E A Y S F O I W L Y A L C R 93 Touch it … Feel it … See what it’s made of 17 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv