zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Where can you buy these products? tiles sausages skirt umbrella screwdriver shower head tomatoes handbags suit earphones stockings sprouts supermarket department store clothes shop DIY-store sausages umbrella suit screwdriver tomatoes handbags stockings shower head sprouts earphones skirt tiles What do you say when a customer is asking for something? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where can I try on this suit? What should I wear? Where can I get stockings? Do you have this skirt in size 8? Where can I pay? A B C D E I suggest you wear a suit. Over there, in the hosiery department The fitting rooms are over there. The tills are at the entrance. I’ll check in the storeroom. What doesn’t fit? Cross it out. 1. tiles – grout – mixer tap – earphones 2. screws – sausage – screwdriver – ladder 3. suit – tie – laceup shoes – stockings 4. skirt – tank top – tie – cardigan 5. garlic – apples – peaches – lemons 6. tomatoes – cucumbers – pears – lettuce 7. sausages – wine – minced meat – steaks 8. highheels – boots – trainers – umbrella What are these customers looking for? 1. 2. 3. 4. You use it for turning screws. It’s green and you put it into soups. It stops you from getting wet. They’re made of ceramic and you use them for showers. A B C D parsley umbrella tiles screwdriver 13 A2 14 A2 15 A2 16 A2 What I can now do: ●● I know which goods are sold in different shops.  ➤ 13 Ich weiß, welche Waren in welchem Geschäft verkauft werden. ●● I can give an answer if a customer asks me something.  ➤ 14 Ich kann eine Antwort geben, wenn ein Kunde mich etwas fragt. ●● I can tell which items belong together.  ➤ 15 Ich kann sagen, welche Waren zusammengehören. ●● I know some phrases to describe something if I don’t know the name of it.  ➤ 16 Ich kann etwas umschreiben. 16 Yes, we have that … Check yourself 91 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv