zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Portfolio: Departments and goods Now design an attractive mind map. The mind map should include all your store’s departments and the goods they sell. Alternatively you may do this on the computer. You could also draw pictures of the items, or cut and paste items from a leaflet. Web search Go back to your web search from Unit 15 What department is that . What goods does the shop you found similar to yours in the UK or USA sell? Add as many goods which are also sold at your store to the list. Buying and selling game Work in two large groups – Your teacher will give you role cards. Group A: You are customers in a DIY store. You need the things from the role cards. • You don’t know what these items are called in English • Describe the items to the shop assistants (group B) • Explain what you need them for • See if the shop assistant brings you the correct items • Look at the price and see if the assistant has anything cheaper. You only have €30! Group B: You work in a DIY store. Your teacher will give you cards with the items you have for sale. • Don’t let the customers see the items. • Check if you have something they want. • Describe the things to the customers. • Try to sell the most expensive items first. When the customers have spent all their money change roles. Look at this fruit and vegetable stand and write the products into the correct basket. You need to find where the radishes are. Work with a partner. 09 A2 10 A2 11 A2–B1 Tip Describing things if you don’t know their name (Paraphrasing) • Describing size and shape: It’s round/square/long/flat/… It’s made of metal/plastic/wood/rubber/… It’s about this big. (show it with your hands) It’s the same size as a … (thing) It is usually white/grey/silver/… • Describing what you need it for: You use it for repairing …/ opening bottles /… It helps you (to) … It stops you from …(ing) You use it with a … • If it’s not the right thing: Have you got anything smaller/ stronger/… That’s the wrong type. / That’s a bit expensive. /… 12 A2 The lettuce is above the bananas. The lemons are above the cabbage. radishes tomatoes cucum­ bers straw­ berries No two fruits or vegetables are directly next to each other. The cabbage is on the left of the grapes. The cabbage is on the right of the peaches. bananas grapes cabbage peaches lemons lettuce pears sprouts The tomatoes are in the bottom right corner. The tomatoes are in the same column as the lettuce. The pears are between the sprouts and the lettuce. The strawberries are in the same column as the peaches. The cabbage is in the bottom row. No two fruits or vegetables are directly above or below each other. The strawberries are above the cucumbers. left right 90 Unit 16 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv