zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Look at the pictures of the fruit and vegetables. Do you know what they are called? Make a list into your notebook! Add the ones you underlined in the text. Think of some more herbs. I’m looking for … Listen to a customer in a department store. The woman has three short conversations with three shop assistants. Choose the objects they are talking about. 1 ✗ 2 ✗ 3 ✗ Goods in your shop Make a list about the goods you sell. Try to be creative! What can you buy where? Match two items from the box below with each shop. chewing gum computer magazine cough mixture minced meat reading glasses lager sausages contact lenses headache tablets wine 1. butcher minced meat sausages 2. chemist headache tablets cough mixture 3. newsagent computer magazine chewing gum 4. offlicence lager wine 5. optician reading glasses contact lenses 02 A2 Fruit Vegetables Herbs bananas spring onions parsley 03 A2 listening b7rs72 04 A2–B1 05 A2 Tip • In Britain a shop that sells alcoholic drinks is called an “offlicence” (Legal drinking age: 18) • In the US it’s called “liquor store” (Legal drinking age: 21) 87 Yes, we have that … 16 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv