zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Search for a shop similar to yours in the UK or USA. Then make a note of the departments which are similar to yours. Then write at least five items you can find in each department. Present your shop. Have a look at the presentation you did in Unit 6 again (task 09). • What kind of shop is it? • What are the opening times? • What are your working hours? (flexitime? breaks?) • What are your job duties? • Do you have to wear a uniform (What does it look like)? If not, is there a dress code? • Is there anything you are not allowed to do? • Where do the smoking staff smoke? • Where is the nearest fire exit? Present your colleagues. • Who is the boss or manager? • Who is your supervisor? • Who is in charge of first aid? • Who do you contact when you are ill? What is the policy for when you are ill? • What is the percentage of smokers at your shop? (e.g. 5 smokers / 20 staff x 100 = 25% are smokers.) Draw your own department or shop interior and describe it to a partner. 10 A2 11 A2–B1 12 A2–B1 Word bank manager Geschäftsführer/in sales manager Verkaufsleiter/in regional sales manager Regionalverkaufs­ leiter/in store manager Filialleiter/in deputy store manager Filialleiterstell­ vertreter/in training supervisor Ausbilder/in sales staff Verkäufer/in janitor Hausmeister/in apprentices manager sales manager regional sales manager store manager deputy store manager sales staff training supervisor janitor Example of an organigram 13 A2–B1 84 Unit 15 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv