zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Look at this department store and number the correct departments. 1  information board 2  jewellery department 3  cosmetics department 4  escalator 5  café 6  household appliances department 7  staircase/fire exit 8  women’s wear department 9  children’s clothing department 10  kitchenware department 11  home furnishing department 12  men’s wear department 13  Hifi/electronics department 14  customer complaints 15  men’s toilet 16  ladies’ toilet 17  waste bin 18  lift 19  gift wrapping department 20  china department In which department are these people? Write the numbers to the phrases. 04 A2 A  I suggest you take this dark blue tie. it fits perfectly to this pale blue shirt. 6 H Babygrows are over there, next to the nappies. 9 I  I want to buy an engagement ring for my fiancée. 2 J Do you have a receipt for that vase? 14 G  I recommend this blender – it can be used for smoothies as it can crush ice. 10 C  I would like to try this dress? Where are the changing rooms? 8 B Sidebyside fridges are on the third floor, in the … 12 F  You will find our dining room furniture easy to clean. 11 D  I suggest you try our latest handcream – it is very rich and nourishing. 3 E Could you please tell me where I can get a tablet for my nephew? 13 05 A2 19 5 17 16 15 14 8 20 9 10 13 6 11 7 12 18 3 4 2 1 81 What department is that? 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv