zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Difficult customers: Listen to four dialogues in different shops. Before you listen, write the names of the shops under the pictures. Next, read the questions and the answers. Each answer belongs to one of the dialogues. Then listen and write the numbers of the dialogues to each answer. Listen again and check. 1 2 3 4 bakery building supplies shop stationery shop clothes shop 1. What does the customer want? a) 3  a card. b) 1  a coffee shop. c) 2  a truck load of pebble stones. d) 4  a cardigan. 2. What is the problem? a) 4  The cardigan doesn’t come in a size 52. b) 2  The truck can’t get into the garden because the gate is too narrow. c) 3  She thinks the card is too expensive. She does not want to pay for a bag. d) 1  The customer can’t believe her phone gave her the wrong address. 3. How does the customer react? a) 4  She is very angry. b) 1  She doesn’t understand. c) 2  He suggests the truck driver wheelbarrows the stones into his garden. d) 3  She is very angry. 4. How does the sales assistant reply? a) 1  He tells her where she can have a coffee. b) 2  They only deliver the stones with the truck as close as is possible. c) 4  She offers to look at the online catalogue. d) 3  She explains that the 10 cents go towards environmental protection. Mosaic What can you see in the picture? Word of mouth (= mündlich) 08 A2–B1 listening s4t3nd Word bank 08 dump abladen truck load LKWLadung pebble stones Kieselsteine wheelbarrow Schubkarren ridiculous lächerlich mother of pearl Perlmutt lack of faith Mangel an Glauben disturbing verstörend 77 14 The customer’s always right Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv