zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Sometimes the slogan “the customer is always right” is wrong. Which of the statements below do you think best matches the thoughts of these shop assistants? Discuss them with your neighbour. 1 2 3 4 Read this article about how modern technology makes it easy for consumers to be “always right”. Do you sometimes voice your opinion about a retailer online? Once consumers realised how loud their voices could be on the internet, they were off and running. Now, customers who felt wronged had a platform where they could shout about their treatment – and be heard. The invention of platforms like Face- book and Twitter have put the power in consumers’ hands. Con- sumer oriented businesses use “listening tools” that are designed to “hear” to what’s being said about them on social media so that they can react. Businesses who do well on social media work hard to resolve issues quickly, and thank consumers for kind words. Businesses that ignore social media – or who don’t have time to listen and react – can suffer a lot from bad publicity and negative word of mouth. Most consumers read online reviews and these recommendations are trusted just as much as personal ones. One sure way to test the power of consumer word of mouth these days is to put yourself out there. Social crowdsourcing tools give busi- nesses an opportunity to ask: “How do you think we’re doing?” and get actionable answers. This approach has the power to create a new consumer class where the consumer is always right – as long as they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is. 03 B1 Some customers are just plain wrong. My boss shouldn’t criticise me in front of customers. Some customers are bad for business. This customer is really rude. Just because somebody is shopping in a store does not give them the right to abuse employees. It causes resentment. 1 You can’t give in to a customer who is trying to get something for nothing or insists he/she is right when they are obviously wrong. 2 If you’ve tried your best to address a complaint and the customer still isn’t happy, it’s time to move on from that customer. It’s a waste of time and money. 4 Employees who are happy at work because their supervisor backs them up give better cus­ tomer care because they are motivated. 3 04 B1 Word bank 03 back so. jem. unterstützen waste of time Zeitverschwendung abuse beschimpfen resentment Groll, Unmut insist auf etw. bestehen 04 realise merken, begreifen feel wronged sich schlecht behandelt fühlen treatment Behandlung listening tools hier: Werkzeug um die Meinungen von Kunden „mitzuhören“ resolve klären issues hier: Probleme suffer leiden bad publicity schlechte Werbung recommendation Empfehlung actionable verfolgbar approach Vorgehen 75 The customer’s always right 14 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv