zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Read the beginning of this dialogue at the checkout. What do you think of the endings? Which one do you think is best? Why? Anton: Here is your change and your receipt! Have a nice day. Customer: Excuse me, but there is something wrong. Anton: Yes? Customer: You charged me for four packets of frozen chips, but I only bought three! Anton: May I have a look at your receipt? Customer: Yes, of course. Anton: Oh, I am awfully sorry, that was my mistake. 01 A2 Word bank complain sich beschweren receipt Kassabon fetch holen supervisor Abteilungsleiter/in Tip Did you know? The phrase “The customer’s always right” originates from the founder of Selfridge’s department store in London. Selfridges Department Store Would you mind just fetching an­ other bag of chips? Then you have the amount of chip packages that you paid for. Let me cancel this for you. I’ll give you your money back. Here, now the receipt should be correct. Here is your money. But I really haven’t got time right now. Can’t you see all the other customers? Please come back a bit later. Let me just call my supervisor so she can handle this. Would you mind waiting next to the till, so I can continue with the next cus­ tomer? The customer’s always right Today Anton is working at the checkout. A customer is complaining that an item showed up on the receipt that he hadn’t bought and now he wants his money back! Anton is very nervous. Has this ever happened to you? How did you react? What should you do in this situation? Which item is the dialogue about? Choose the correct picture. Do you know what they are called in British English (BE) and in American English (AE)? 02 A2 ✗ 2 1. BE: crisps, AE: chips 2. BE: chips, AE: french fries 1 74 Unit 14 Nur zu Prü zwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv