zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Ms Scott has sent another offer to Hannes. Unfortunately, the text is in the wrong order. Put the different parts into the right order and write num­ bers 1–10 in the boxes. Work with a partner and then write out the letter in the correct order for your portfolios, as an example of an offer letter. 8 Anne Scott 1 Your enquiry of 23rd March 20.. 2 Dear Mr Gruber, 10 Encs: 3 photos, terms of delivery and payment 9 Sales department 7 Yours sincerely, 4 The total price for all three items (20 each) is €1,750. We are willing to offer you a discount of 15% off the total price on this order and a further cash discount of 2% for settlement within 15 days of delivery. 3 Thank you for your enquiry about double sided handfinished cushion covers in 3 designs. We are pleased to inform you that we have the goods desired in stock (See attached pictures). 6 We are looking forward to receiving your order. 5 Payment should be made according to our terms of delivery and payment, which we enclose with this letter. We will dispatch the goods free of charge by air freight within 4 days after receipt of order. Now choose a product your shop would like to order from a British supplier and write your own business letter for your portfolio. (100–140 words) In pairs, write 4 dates down in British + EU and in US formats. Take turns in saying the dates in English in the correct way. British + EU format US format Look back at the question in the introduction: Yes, you can use the internet! “Google Translate” is becoming better every year, especially for simple, short sentences. All you have to do is go to their website and write or paste your German sentences into the left-hand text box. You also have to define the language your text is in and which language you want to translate into. Then click “Übersetzen” and there it is – your easy translation appears in the right-hand box. Then copy and paste the results into a word document for spell-checking, grammar-checking and maybe rearranging the word order of a sentence, before you copy and paste it as an email or formal letter. Don’t trust “Google” without checking the result in a text file, as it is a mechanical translation programme with not much grammar intelligence, as yet. Use a text you wrote in “Deutsch und Kommunikation” and try it out. Compare your results with a partner. 06 A2–B1 07 A2–B1 08 A2–B1 09 A2–B1 72 Unit 13 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv