zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

There are set business correspondence phrases that go with each function of letter/email writing. Can you match them up correctly? Discuss with your partner. Then rewrite them under the following headings. A = Enquiries B = Ordering C = Writing an offer D = Delivery and payment 1. A We can see from your catalogue that … 2. D Payment should be made by credit card/bank transfer/on receipt of goods/on receipt of invoice. 3. B Thank you very much for your offer of … 4. C Thank you for your enquiry of … 5. D We also accept payment in advance/in instalments/in cash. 6. B We would like to place the following order … 7. A We intend/want to extend our range of products … 8. C We will dispatch the goods immediately after receipt of order. 9. D We will dispatch the goods by air freight/road/air mail/train/ship. 10. A Please send us your latest catalogue and price list. 11. B We agree to / We accept your terms and conditions of business. 12. C We are willing to offer you a discount of … % off the total price of this order. 13. A Please also inform us about any trade discounts you offer. 14. C We are pleased to send you the following offer. 15. B We look forward to receiving your goods. 16. A Please let us know about your terms of delivery and payment. 17. C Additionally, we can offer you a cash discount of … % for settlement/payment within … days of delivery 18. A (+C) We look forward to hearing from you, soon. 19. C We would be pleased to receive your order. 20. A Pease advise us about your terms and conditions of business. 04 A2–B1 Word bank offer Angebot on receipt of goods bei Erhalt der Ware on receipt of invoice bei Erhalt der Rechnung payment in advance Zahlungen im Voraus in instalments in Raten range of products Sortiment dispatch verschicken after receipt of order nach Auftrags­ eingang air freight Luftfracht airmail Luftpost terms and conditions of business Geschäftsbedingungen discount Nachlass, Rabatt, Skonto terms of delivery Lieferungsbedienungen terms of payment Zahlungsbedingungen settlement within … Begleichen der Rechnung innerhalb … terms and conditions of business Geschäftsbedingungen Tip Referring to order numbers when ordering goods • In sales and purchasing the terms unit number , item number and article number are often used interchangeably. A more technical term is SKU (stock keeping unit) which is used for both ordering and inventory purposes. • Note that the abbreviation for the word “number” is “no.” or “#” in English. • Always put a “foot” at the base of a handwritten no. 1 or it looks like an English 7 on a fax. 7s are not crossed in English. 70 Unit 13 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv