zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Table of contents Unit Topics Skills Page 23 Meeting and greeting ·· Tom’s first day at work and his mistakes ·· Small talk ·· How to greet and introduce people ·· How to leave a conversation in a polite way ·· I can introduce myself and others. ·· I can greet business partners. ·· I can make small talk. ·· I can start and finish a conversation politely. 126 24 Eating out ·· American restaurants and food ·· Allergies and dietary preferences ·· Making a reservation ·· At the restaurant ·· I can identify different foods and places to eat. ·· I can order a meal at a restaurant. 132 25 Getting help ·· Illnesses and accidents ·· What to do in an emergency ·· At the walk-in clinic ·· At the pharmacy ·· Tips for travellers ·· At the police station ·· I can describe different illnesses and pain. ·· I can speak to a health professional about an illness. ·· I can ask for help when my passport is stolen. 138 26 Working abroad ·· Are you ready for a work place­ ment abroad? ·· Linda’s year in London ·· Reasons for going abroad ·· Benefits of going abroad ·· At Piccadilly Market ·· Young people from different EU countries ·· Opportunities for working abroad ·· I can talk about reasons for going abroad to work. ·· I can identify the benefits of going abroad. ·· I can name EU countries and know what they are famous for. ·· I know ways of getting work abroad. 144 27 Applying for a job ·· Stella and her job coach: ·· How to fill in your Europass CV ·· How to write an application letter ·· The “8 rules secret of success recipe” for “interview-getting” ·· The 5 magic word pairs ·· I can prepare a good CV following the Europass format. ·· I can write a good application letter using the “8 rules secret of success recipe”. ·· I can use “5 magic words” from the 5 word pairs to help me get the interview. 150 28 Talking your way into a job ·· Stella and her job coach: ·· The 9 steps – plan of action ·· Interview tips ·· The most common questions asked in job interviews ·· Stella’s job interview ·· I can prepare well for a job interview. ·· I can respond to the most common questions at an interview correctly and appropriately. ·· I can use “5 magic words” from the 5 word pairs to talk my way into a job. ·· I can write a good follow-up letter after the interview. 156 ·· Shopping Dialogue Phrases 162 ·· Solutions for the Check yourself-pages 168 ·· Vocabulary English – German 174 ·· Word list British English – American English 178 ·· Vokabelliste Deutsch – Englisch 180 ·· Figures and numbers 184 7 Nur zu Prüfzwe ken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv