zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Look at the letter Hannes wrote and identify the English words for the following: Rabatt  trade discount Skonto  cash discount dankbar  grateful liefern  supply Waren, Posten  goods, items vereinbart  as agreed Zahlung  payment Bestellung  order Angebot  offer Listenpreis  listed price Lieferung  delivery sich freuen auf  look forward to Mit freundlichen Grüßen  Yours sincerely Read about the differences between emails and letters and decide if the statements below are true or false. Emails are now the most common form of business communica- tion, because they are quick, cheap and environmentally friendly, saving on postage and paper. So business emails use the same standard phrases as old fashioned letters. They also have formal salutation lines and complimentary closes exactly as any formal letter. This is because even though they are electronic, they still repres- ent the outward image of the company. Therefore, you should not use sloppy grammar and spelling, emoticons, jokes and very personal comments. You also shouldn’t use capital letters (this is rude because it is seen as shouting) or exclamation marks in series (!!!) … this simply makes the writer look silly and uneducated! However, between colleagues or when you have known your business partners for a long time, emails can become more in- formal. These may start with a simple “Hi Hannes” greeting and end with “Best regards”. One thing you should not forget is that the whole email string might be sent on to somebody else if there is a later problem, and you might get into trouble if the emails are too casual or informal. Remember, any business correspondence is your professional face to the world and your company’s. Therefore, if you are not sure what is suitable, it is better to be too formal. Even endings like “Best wishes” or “Warm regards” are seen as too warm in the English-speaking world, unless you know the person very well. “Best regards” works formally or informally for all emails. Business emails true false Business letters true false Emails are quick and cheap. Letters are quick and cheap. Emails are environmentally friendly. Letters are environmentally friendly. Emails are always informal. Letters are usually formal. Sloppy grammar and spelling is OK. Good grammar and spelling is a must. Emails can be written in capitals. The salutation is normally formal. “Best regards” is always the best ending. The ending is always formal. Emoticons and jokes are normal. The closing reflects the salutation. It is safer to write formally if unsure. Letters and emails use set phrases. 02 A2 Word bank 01 supplier Lieferant goods Waren file Ordner cushion covers Kissenbezug items Artikel Union Jack die britische Fahne 03 environmentally friendly umwelt­ freundlich postage Porto formal formell, offiziell informal informell, formlos outward nach außen sloppy schlampig spelling Rechtschreibung rude unhöflich, grob email string Emailverkehr zu einem Geschäftsfall casual locker, salopp suitable passend 03 A2–B1 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 69 Pep-up your writing style! 13 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv