zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Work in pairs: Match the sentences 1–6 to the responses A–F. Draw lines. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I’m sorry, but she’s not in at the moment. Please try again tomorrow morning. I’m afraid the line is engaged. Please try later. Good afternoon, … speaking. Could I speak to …, please? Could I ring him direct, next time? Would you like to leave a message? Thank you. You’ve been most helpful. A B C D E F Certainly, just dial extension 436. I’m afraid he/she is in a meeting. You’re welcome. I’ll give her the message when she returns. Ah, OK. I’ll try again later. Yes, please. Would you ask him to call me back. Oh, that’s a problem! I have to speak to her today. Taking messages Using the message forms below, listen to the three telephone conversations and write down the messages. MESSAGE 1 MESSAGE 2 From Simon Bailey, Cushions & Covers Ltd. From Ron Tailor, KD Sofas Ltd. To Susan Black To Mr Howarth, Warehouse Time & Date 11 a.m. (today’s date) Time & Date 4 p.m. (today’s date) Message: Message: Please ring Mr Simon Bailey back as soon as possible. It’s urgent. The furniture delivery will be late due to a prob­ lem with the truck. It should now arrive by 6 p.m. MESSAGE 3 From Dr Miranda Wild To Tom Patterson Time & Date 3:30 p.m. (today’s date). Message: Dr Miranda Wild will call back in an hour. It is a personal matter, so no message. Mosaic Make up a funny conversation between these two people. 06 A2 07 A2–B1 listening ja5fa3 Tip Easy ways to “hide” your lack of understanding • Caller speaking too fast: Say “I’m sorry this is a bad connection can you speak very slowly and clearly?” • Caller uses a word you don’t understand: Say “Can you clarify the word “supercalifragilisticexpialidotious*”, please?” • You think you understand what the caller said, but you are not sure: Say “So, what you’re saying is …” Then put it in your words. * Word from Mary Poppins 65 12 Telephone talk Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv