zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

There are helpful phrases that go with each part of a phone call. Can you match them up? A = Beginning a conversation B = Apologising for things C = Connecting to someone D = Taking a message E = Finishing the call, politely 04 A2 Word bank leave a message eine Nachricht hinter­ lassen extension Durchwahl engaged besetzt hold the line/hold on am Apparat bleiben put sb. through jem. verbinden 1. B I’m sorry, Mr Jones isn’t in the office today. Can I help, instead? 2. D Would you like to leave a message? 3. A Good morning/afternoon/evening, KD Sofas Ltd. 4. B I’m sorry, his/her line is engaged at the moment. 5. C Could you hold the line, please? 6. A Hello, this is Simon Bailey speaking. 7. C Could you hold on a moment, please? 8. B I’m sorry, but you’ve got the wrong number. 9. D Could you repeat/spell that, please? 10. C I’ll put you through. 11. B I’m afraid, I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak up a little please? The line’s very bad / a bit crackly. 12. E I’ll tell him/her to call you back as soon as possible. 13. C I’ll connect you. 14. D Could you speak a little slower, please? 15. E Thank you for calling. Bye! 16. A Hello, Jones speaking. 17. A I’d like to speak to John Jones, please. 18. C Connecting you now, Mr Bailey. 19. D Could you ask him/her to call me back, please? It’s urgent. 20. E Thanks for your help. Goodbye! With your partner, act out the whole conversation between Hannes and his supplier. Tip How to spell special signs and numbers on the telephone WHEN IN CAPITALS When in lowercase letters When in italics Special characters ’ apostrophe @ at \ backslash (…) brackets : colon , comma dash or hyphen ! exclamation mark . dot (internet address) . full stop (sentence) . point (decimal number) ? question mark “…” quotation marks ; semicolon / slash or forward slash _ underscore Beware of thousands & points! German English 3.502 3.502 (dreitausend­ fünfhundert und zwei) (three point five oh two) 3,502 3,502 (drei Komma fünf null zwei ) (three thousand, five hundred and two) € 100,- €100.00 = No space between currency and numbers in English and no “,” 05 A2–B1 64 Unit 12 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv