zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What do you find difficult when you have to talk on the telephone in English? a) Not seeing the face of the person I am talking to. b) That there are no nonverbal clues to help me understand what they are saying. c) Cultural differences in the way of speaking to business partners. d) Not being sure about the polite set phrases to use in English. e) Then, work in groups. Tell your group how you talk to business partners on the telephone in English. Discuss in your own experience what the best ways are, to make English speaking suppliers/customers understand you. What could you do to make it easier? Use short clear sentences. Use the English telephone spelling system. The next time, an English-speaking supplier is calling, Hannes now knows what to say. Since that first call, he has checked his English book for tips and he is now well prepared. Listen to the conversation and decide whether these statements are true or false. true false Hannes starts the conversation with saying his company’s name. “How can I help you?” is the best way to ask a person what he or she wants. The delivery address and the store address are the same. The caller finds Austrian addresses difficult to write down. You should always put an A in front of an Austrian postcode. The name of the street for the delivery address is Fchwarzen­ bachstraße. 01 A2 02 A2–B1 listening 9nx9cw Word bank 01 non-verbal nicht in Worten ausgedrückt clue Anhaltspunkt polite höflich supplier Lieferant 02 delivery Lieferung post-code Postleitzahl warehouse Lager(halle) go ahead hier: Fangen Sie an … please spell buchstabieren Sie bitte ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ Telephone talk Hannes is working late at a large home furnishings and designs retail chain. He is just about to go home when the telephone rings in his department. No one else is there, so he answers it. An English supplier is calling and Hannes has never talked on the phone in English, before. He can hardly understand anything because the person is talking too fast and Hannes doesn’t know any polite set phrases to make someone speak slower or repeat information. … Has this ever happened to you? What would you do in Hannes’ place? What would you say to the person calling? Act out the scene with a partner. 62 Unit 12 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv