zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

zielsicher – Englisch Unit Topics Skills Page 16 Yes, we have that… ·· Goods in different shops ·· Fruit, vegetables and herbs ·· Clothes ·· At the DIY-store ·· I can name different goods for various shops. ·· I can describe goods. ·· I can write a list of the goods my shop sells. ·· I know some phrases to describe some­ thing if I don’t know the name of it. 86 17 Touch it … feel it, see what it’s made of ·· Materials ·· Patterns and designs ·· I can describe the products I sell and say what they are made of. 92 18 A day at the mall ·· At the information desk ·· Plan of a shopping mall ·· Giving directions ·· Advantages and disadvantages of a shopping mall ·· A fashion show ·· I can give directions in a shopping mall. ·· I can offer help to somebody in English. ·· I can name shops and services at a mall. ·· I can understand the presenter at a fashion show. 96 19 Are you safe and sound at work? ·· What accidents can happen at work? ·· How to prevent accidents from happening ·· Safety signs and first aid ·· I can talk about accidents that can happen at work and how to prevent them. ·· I know what to do if someone is injured. ·· I know the meaning of important safety signs. ·· I can write a report about an accident. 102 20 Don’t mess with our world! It’s the only one we have! ·· What causes pollution in my job environment? ·· How can I protect the environment? ·· How to stop wasting food ·· Homelessness ·· The principles of Fair Trade ·· What is a living wage? ·· I can identify causes of pollution. ·· I can explain how the retail industry can protect the environment. ·· I can explain what I can do to protect the environment. ·· I can talk about youth homelessness and Fair Trade. ·· I can explain what a living wage is. 108 21 Planning a trip ·· Anna and her company on a business trip to New York ·· Making (online) travel arrange­ ments ·· Means of transport ·· Finding a hotel (online) ·· Choosing the best option ·· I can book a flight and a hotel online. ·· I can talk about why it is important to make plans before taking a trip. ·· I can compare options and choose the best one. ·· I can understand conversations about travel arrangements and take notes. 114 22 Getting around ·· At the airport ·· Traveling to the US – immigration procedure ·· Foreign currencies ·· How to use an ATM ·· Finding your way around New York ·· At the hotel ·· Hotel problems – complaints ·· I can find my way around at an airport. ·· I can deal with customs and immigration procedures. ·· I can identify different currencies and convert money. ·· I can explain how to use an ATM. ·· I can read a map and use it to navigate in a new city. ·· I can check in and out of a hotel. ·· I can understand a timetable screen at the airport. ·· I can complain about a hotel room. 120 6 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv