zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Here are some polite phrases in English. With a partner, can you translate them into German? You’re welcome. Bitteschön, gerne geschehen (Antwort auf „danke“). I’m afraid … Leider … Excuse me (could you tell me …?) Entschuldigen Sie (= könnten Sie mir sagen …) I’d like … please. Ich möchte bitte …. Here you are. Hier bitteschön. / Hier haben Sie es. / Hier ist es. Sorry. Entschuldigen Sie (= es tut mir leid). Sorry/Pardon? (Could you repeat that ?) Wie bitte? (= Ich habe Sie nicht verstanden.) (Könnten Sie das bitte wiederholen?) Complete the dialogues with the correct phrases from the box. here you are Excuse me, Pardon? please sorry I’m afraid You’re welcome. (2 x) Dialogue A Customer: Excuse me,  could you please show me the changing rooms? Eva: At the back, on the right. Customer: Thank you. Eva: You’re welcome. Dialogue B Customer: Excuse me,  do you have these black boots in size 4? Eva: I’m afraid  we’ve only got them from size 5. Customer: No problem. Have you got any red boots in size 4? Eva: Pardon? Customer: Have you got any red boots in size 4? Eva: No,  sorry  we haven’t. Dialogue C Customer: Could you give me a paper bag instead of a plastic bag,  please ? Cashier: Of course,  here you are . Customer: That’s great! Thank you, Cashier: You’re welcome. Mosaic Shopping tongue twisters Try and say these tongue twisters at least three times … as fast as possible! 09 A2 10 A2 The coffee’s served in a proper copper coffee pot. In the coffee shop: So many mixed biscuits … mixed biscuits to choose from! In the supermarket: It comes in red leather or yellow leather. In a handbag/luggage shop: She sells sea shells on the sea shore. In a souvenir shop: 59 11 How may I help you? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv