zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

There are helpful phrases that go with each phase. Can you match them? 1 = Greeting your customer politely 2 = Finding out what the customer would like 3 = Presenting items to the customer 4 = After the customer decides to buy a) 2  Can I help you find what you are looking for? b) 4  You can pay by cash, credit card or bank/debit card. c) 1  Good morning/afternoon. What can I do for you? d) 2  Would you like to look around, first? e) 3  How about these ones? f) 2  What colour/size/type/kind do you like best? g) 4  How would you like to pay? h) 3  It also comes in … i) 2  Is it a present for someone? j) 4  Thank you very much. Bye. k) 1  How can/may I help you? l) 3  Do you prefer this one? m) 3  They are a bargain at €9.99 each. n) 4  I’ve put your receipt in the bag. o) 3  I’m afraid, this is our last one. p) 4  Here’s your change and your receipt. q) 1  Would you like me to help, or would you like to just look around. r) 3  How does it fit? s) 4  I hope you have a lovely day! t) 3  Would you like me to get the next size up/down for you? Which phrases from above could you use in these situations (more than one)? c, g, j, n, p, s e, f, h, l, o, t 07 A2 What colour do you prefer? Tip • If a customer asks you where to find something, don’t say “It’s over there.” • Lead him or her to the exact location in the shop. • That’s how you make a much better impression by giving great customer service. • Customers are more likely to buy the goods and return, if you help them. 08 A2 58 Unit 11 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigen um des Verlags öbv