zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Table of contents Unit Topics Skills Page 8 Take a chance on me ·· Are you happy in your job? ·· Hyeon’s challenge ·· Work behaviour ·· Dealing with the “daily grind” ·· I can identify problems at work and collect ideas to change the situation. ·· I can rate work behaviour. ·· I can talk about my goals and plans for the future. 42 9 Staying fit and healthy ·· Healthy and unhealthy habits ·· Health now and then ·· Dealing with stress ·· The situation at school and at your company ·· I can talk about healthy and unhealthy behaviour. ·· I can understand people talking about how to deal with stress. ·· I can describe a situation and make suggestions for change. 46 10 Unbelievable! I never thought that would happen to me … ·· Cyber-bullying and other dangers of the internet ·· How to protect yourself ·· Mediating, confronting, discussing or ignoring? ·· Hate speech ·· I can talk and write about dangers on the internet and how to deal with them. ·· I can give other people advice about dangers online. 52 11 How may I help you? ·· Talking to customers ·· The four stages of a sales conversation ·· Sizes ·· Politeness ·· Methods of payment ·· I can greet customers and identify their needs. ·· I can talk to customers in a polite way. ·· I can present goods in an appropriate way. ·· I can give advice and make suggestions. 56 12 Telephone talk ·· A telephone call with a supplier ·· Spelling ·· Numbers ·· Taking messages ·· I can talk to English speaking business partners on the phone. ·· I know how to spell things in English. ·· I can use polite telephone phrases to give and take messages. 62 13 Pep-up your writing style! ·· Letter and email writing basics ·· Enquiry, order, offer, delivery and payment ·· How to say and write dates ·· How to use the internet for help ·· I can use set phrases to write a business letter. ·· I can understand and write an enquiry or order. ·· I can reply to an enquiry and make an offer. 68 14 The customer’s always right ·· A mistake on the receipt ·· Dealing with difficult customers ·· Online reviews ·· Dealing with complaints ·· I can talk to difficult customers and deal with complaints. ·· I can write an online review. ·· I can deal with difficulties or mistakes at work. 74 15 What department is that? ·· Departments in a shop ·· Jobs in a shop (organigram) ·· Presentation of my shop ·· I can describe the different departments in a shop. ·· I can tell customers which department they need. ·· I can say what goods can be bought in different departments. ·· I can present my shop and my colleagues. 80 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentu des Verlags öbv