zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What I can now do: ●● I can define terms often used when talking about work in general.  ➤ 09 Ich kann Begriffe erklären, die oft verwendet werden, wenn man ganz allgemein über Arbeit spricht. ●● I know what is important to be a responsible apprentice.  ➤ 10 Ich weiß, was wichtig ist, um ein verantwortungsvoller Lehrling zu sein. ●● I can tell good advice from bad advice.  ➤ 11 Ich kann gute und schlechte Ratschläge unterscheiden. ●● I can explain what a promotion is.  ➤ 12 Ich kann erklären, was eine Beförderung ist. Match the words with their definitions. 1. responsibility A a chance to do something, or a situation in which it is easy for you to do something 2. challenge B the social and professional factors that influence your life at work 3. opportunity C something that you have to do because it is part of your job and you are the person who has to account for it 4. working environment D something that seems difficult at the beginning and needs a lot of skill and energy to do, especially if you have never done it before What will help you to get ahead in your job? a) Being friendly to customers b) Taking a break whenever you can c) Listening to instructions carefully d) Being interested in finetuning your skills at work e) Being on time f) Telling jokes to my colleagues Is this bad advice or good advice? Advice Good Bad 1. Don’t take on more difficult work, it will only get you fired. 2. Your boss doesn’t care about your dreams, just do the job. 3. It’s a great idea to stay current in your field, plus it makes the daily grind less boring. 4. The boss will never notice if that isn’t finished on time. 5. Apologize to a supervisor if you made a mistake. 6. Never ask for help. It makes you look stupid. 7. Manage your time as well as possible. 8. Make safety your routine. What is a promotion? a) A kind of headache b) When an employee is assigned a more challenging task because they are good at their present job. c) A reward for working hard and doing your best. d) Both b) and c). 09 A2–B1 10 A2 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 11 A2–B1 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 12 A2 ✗ 8 Take a chance on me  Check yourself 45 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv