zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

News update! Listen to Hyeon’s story … five years later. Decide which statements are true now, were previously true, or are false. true was true false Hyeon is an apprentice at a factory that makes paper and plywood. She works with all departments of her company. Hyeon’s colleagues thought kimchee* smelled delicious when she first brought it to work for lunch. Hyeon is a very curious and independent worker. Everyone is jealous of Hyeon because of her promotion. Hyeon feels that working hard to be part of a great team is worthwhile. * durch Milchsäuregärung zubereitetes Gemüse (koreanische Küche) What should an apprentice do in order to get the most out of their training at work? Rate the following statements with the following scale: (Just like your grades at school!) 1 = excellent employee conduct; 5 = the worst possible thing an apprentice could do! Work on your own at first, and then discuss your ideas with a small group. Work behavior: Your rating: 1–5 Group rating: 1–5 Khaleed comes to work on time and is prepared to learn every day. Lisa doesn’t like it when customers ask her questions. She usually answers in an unfriendly way and she’s not helpful at all. Fiza follows the stepbystep instructions given by her instructor. She pays attention to the process and does her best to master each step. Max worked on his assignment all day without taking a break. Kat does her work extremely quickly in order to squeeze in an extra cigarette break. She often makes mistakes and has to fix them later. Iris really takes pride in doing quality work. She really makes an effort to do a good job and is careful to make sure she stays focused on the job. Boris likes to read about advances in technology. He read about a new machine that could be useful at his job and mentioned it to his manager. Kevin got really bored while waiting for something to do at work, so he started lighting matches and dropping them onto the factory floor. Mosaic „Eine Null kann ein Problem verzehnfachen“ is a typical Austrian saying. Do you think this saying makes sense translated directly into English? How would you translate the meaning in your own words? There is no perfectly identical saying in English. It could be translated for/by students as “something that doesn’t seem like a big deal that could actually result in a big problem/have consequences.” “To make a mountain out of a molehill” is not the same, it is about overreacting. 03 A2–B1 listening zr6wj3 Word bank plywood Sperrholz rigorous streng tracking Nachverfolgung no walk in the park hier: keine einfache Sache odd seltsam jealous eifersüchtig promotion Beförderung worthwile lohnend rewarded belohnt werden tackle a challenge eine Herausforderung angehen support unterstützen ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 04 A2 43 Take a chance on me  8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv