zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Questionnaire: Are you happy in your job? Read the following statements and tick “yes” or “no”. Statements: yes no I take pride in my work and I love what I’m doing. I’m often bored because I have to wait for work. I find it difficult to follow safety rules correctly. My colleagues are nice. They accept me and make working enjoyable. I find it hard to stay on task and finish jobs on time. I feel good when I can help customers. My working environment is uncomfortable because it’s loud and dirty. I have a good instructor. I’m learning a lot. I find it difficult to listen to and follow instructions. My colleagues are always talking about things I don’t want to hear. There’s a room where I can have some privacy during my breaks. I think I’ll have the chance to get promoted when I have finished my apprenticeship. Count how many green boxes and how many orange boxes you ticked.  10–12 green boxes: Congratulations! You seem to be very happy in your job. 6–9 green boxes: You seem to be fairly happy in your job, but you can certainly find a way to improve some situations. 0–5 green boxes: You seem to have quite a few problems at work. You should try to find a way to improve the situation wherever you can. Get together in groups of three and talk about the problems you might have at work. What could you do to change the situation? Choose the best ideas and present them to your class. Use the board or create a flip chart. 01 A2–B1 Word bank Introduction opportunity günstige Gelegenheit, Chance challenge Herausforderung 01 pride Stolz safety rules Sicherheitsregeln instructor Ausbilder/in get promoted befördert werden improve verbessern 02 A2–B1 Take a chance on me  Meet Hyeon. She is just about to complete her last year of learning logistics at a lumber factory in Upper Austria. She is a good worker and loves her job. Hyeon’s boss has offered her a beginning management position working with new apprentices at the company after she completes her final exam. Hyeon is nervous about taking on more responsibility … but could she miss this opportunity? What would you do if you were in her place? Would you accept this challenge? 42 Unit 8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv