zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Form groups of four. On a poster or flip chart paper draw a cross. In the middle of the paper draw a big circle. Each student has one quarter of the paper to write on. a) Each student should write their job duties in their square outside of the circle, the duties which everybody has in common go into the circle section. b) Now mark the duties everybody likes, with a smiley face, the ones nobody likes, with a sad face. c) Now do the same with the tools you have to use – use a different colour. d) Agree on the most important personal skill you need: write this in the middle of the circle. e) Present your poster to the class. Start like this: 12 A2–B1 We would like to tell you about our work. The duties we all have to do are …-ing. We most like …, we do not like … We all use a … We think the most important skill for our job is … What are they doing? Explain to your partner what is happening in this picture. What can you see? Drawing quiz Your teacher will have a list with all this units’ nouns and verbs on his/her desk. You will work in teams of four. The youngest of the team goes to the teacher and looks at the first word (the others will be covered up so only the top word will be visible). This student returns to the others and starts “drawing” the word. The student who guesses it correctly can ask (quietly) if it is in fact correct. The “drawer” may only answer with yes or no. The student who guesses the word correctly goes to the teacher, repeats the word and is shown the next one. He or she then “draws” this word. The team who is quickest wins! 13 A2 Grammar at your fingertips: • When explaining what you can see in a picture or what is happening right now , use present continuous tense. • is/are + -ing form of the verb • Example: The customer is paying with a cash card. • Signal words: (right) now, at the moment, Look!, Listen! 14 A2 40 Unit Interaction 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv