zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

zielsicher – Englisch Table of contents Unit Topics Skills Page Wie arbeite ich mit diesem Buch? 2 Table of contents 4 1 May I introduce myself? ·· Introducing myself and others ·· Describing strengths and weak­ nesses, abilities and skills ·· I can talk about myself and others. ·· I can write a short text about myself and others. ·· I can describe strengths and weaknesses. 8 2 Welcome to vocational school ·· The Austrian dual system ·· Subjects at school ·· Vocational training in England and the USA ·· Bullying at school ·· I can talk about the Austrian vocational school system. ·· I can name the subjects of the vocational school. ·· I can understand listening texts about vocational training in the UK and the USA. ·· I can talk about bullying behaviour. 12 3 Am I really so different? ·· Feeling blue ·· Amy’s story ·· Risky behaviour ·· How do you feel about new experiences? ·· I can describe a person. ·· I can name qualities a good friend should have. ·· I can talk about feelings. 18 4 Something new for a change ·· Friends and hobbies ·· Free time activities ·· Talents and interests ·· Changing your look ·· Trying out new things ·· Perfectionism ·· I can talk about hobbies, talents and interests. ·· I can talk about activities and looks. ·· I can understand people describing their hobbies and talents. 22 5 Feeling at home ·· Houses and rooms ·· Family traditions ·· Nationality or cultural identity? ·· Countries, nationalities and languages ·· I can talk about where I come from. ·· I can describe my home. ·· I can name countries, nationalities and the languages they speak. 26 6 Look at my shop! ·· Different types of retailers ·· Different kinds of shops ·· Oliver’s story ·· My company ·· I can name key facts about the retail trade in Austria. ·· I can present the key facts of the company I work for. ·· I can find information about my company on the internet. 32 7 It’s not all coffee breaks and cake ·· Duties ·· Personal skills ·· Tools, shop equipment and appliances ·· I can talk about my duties and personal skills. ·· I can explain what tools you need for duties in a shop. ·· I can understand people talking about their job. ·· I can write a text about what I do at work. ·· I can tell the time. 36 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv