zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Listen to these apprentices talk about their day at work. What did they do? Did they like their task J or not L ? 1 2 3 stacking shelves L checking sell-by-date of dairy products L price marking J 4 5 6 collecting shopping trolleys L working at the till J assisting customers J What do the tasks that they all like have in common?  they have to deal with customers What are your duties and personal skills? Write an essay similar to Christine’s into your notebook. Write about your duties, the tools you use and what skills you need for doing your job well. Don’t forget a final sentence! 06 A2–B1 listening fn3ax8 07 A2–B1 Grammar at your fingertips: • When talking or writing about daily routines use present simple tense. • Example: I always stack the shelves in the morning. (Morning is from midnight until noon.) • Signal words: always, usually, normally, often, sometimes, never Choose the correct option. 1. What does Christine do when she puts the bananas on the scales? a) She weighs them. b) She sells them. c) She prices them. 2. What do the customers receive at the check-out? a) the bill b) the receipt c) the invoice 08 A2 ✗ ✗ 3. Who tells Christine what to do? a) her chef b) her boss c) her chief 4. The change is a) the difference between what you paid and how much something costs. b) if you pay something in coins. c) if you give money to somebody for giving you good service. ✗ ✗ 38 Unit 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv