zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Write Christine’s duties, personal skills and the tools used at the shop under the correct heading. duties personal skills tools assisting customers keeping the shop floor clean dealing with customer complaints weighing fruit giving advice hoovering the staff room moving large amounts of stock and merchandise stacking shelves collecting shopping trolleys hard working self-motivated flexible physically fit have an eye for stylish merchandise persuasive friendly personality positive attitude polite and helpful manner till industrial floor cleaning machine scales pricing gun vacuum cleaner hand pallet truck shopping trolley Web search Now search for additional duties, skills and any other tools that you can think of that you need in your shop (hint: use the key words “career, service, uk”). Add them to Christine’s list. What is it? Find the correct word from Christine’s job profile. 1. hand pallet truck  : large powered truck, sometimes telescopic, which has extended forks which can be passed under a palletized load for stacking or moving to a new position. 2. hoover  : sucking dirt up from a surface by moving a vacuum cleaner back and forth 3. pricing gun  : a small device used to stick prices onto stock in supermarkets. 4. till  : this can also be called cash register, cash desk or check-out. 5. shopping trolley  : a large metal basket on wheels which is provided by shops for customers. 6. receipt  : a piece of paper on which the things that you bought or the services that you paid for are listed. Odd one out: circle the word that doesn’t fit. 1. customer / apprentice / trainee sales clerk / shop assistant 2. receipt / till / cash desk / customer 3. hoover / hand pallet truck / friendly / shopping trolley 4. coins / receipt / change / cash 5. shopping trolley / shopping basket / shopping mall / shopping bag 6. scales / fruit /weigh / cash register Then discuss with a partner why you think the word is the odd one out. 02 A2–B1 03 A2–B1 04 A2 05 A2 37 It’s not all coffee breaks and cake 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv