zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Read this text that Christine wrote for a language competition arranged by her town hall. The best entry will win a trip to London. Is her entry good enough? My name is Christine Müller, I’m 16 and I live in Linz. I have been a trainee retail assistant at a discount supermarket chain since September. My main duty is assisting customers. Sue, my colleague, who normally works at the till, gives the customers their change and their receipts. If she works fast, the queue is short. I always keep the shop floor clean and tidy by using an industrial floor cleaning machine. I sometimes have to deal with customer complaints – this can be quite tricky. I often weigh fruit for my elderly custom- ers if they don’t know how the scales work. I occasionally give advice to customers regarding products, but I am still learning about our stock, so Elyas, who is in his third year, usually does that. Every morning I check the sell-by-date of perishable goods like dairy products and do the price marking with a pricing gun. In the afternoons I hoover our staff room with a vacuum cleaner. Elyas and I move large amounts of stock and merchandise around the shop with a hand pallet truck. At the end of my shift I usually stack the shelves and collect the shopping trolleys from the car park. I am hard working, self-motivated and flexible. Because I have to stand on my feet all day long I need to be physically fit. My boss thinks that I have an eye for stylish merchandise. That makes me feel proud. I am also very persuasive, which comes in handy when working in a shop. I must be presentable – e.g. I have to be clean and my hair has to be tied back. My customers appreciate my friendly personality and positive attitude. I work in a team, there- fore it is necessary to possess a polite and helpful manner. I really love my job! 01 A2–B1 Word bank trainee retail assistant Einzel­ handelslehrling duty (Pl. duties) Aufgabe customer Kunde/Kundin skill Fähigkeit entry Eintrag till Kasse change Wechselgeld receipt Kassabon queue Warteschlange industrial floor cleaning machine Indus­ triefußbodenreinigungsmaschine complaint Beschwerde tricky kompliziert scales Waage sell-by-date Haltbarkeitsdatum perishable leichtverderblich dairy products Molkereiprodukte pricing gun Preisauszeichnungsgerät price marking Preis auszeichnen hoover staubsaugen/Staubsauger vacuum cleaner Staubsauger stock Vorrat merchandise Handelswaren hand pallet truck Handgabelhubwagen shift Schicht stack shelves Regale schlichten shopping trolley Einkaufswagen self-motivated eigenmotiviert persuasive überzeugend attitude Einstellung, Verhalten Grammar at your fingertips: • Adverbs of frequency (always, sometimes, often) come between the subject and the verb. • Example: I always keep the shop floor clean. It’s not all coffee breaks and cake Christine has been working as a trainee in a supermarket for eight months. Even though she has to work hard she is happy with her job. Tanja, her cousin, also wants to become a trainee retail assistant. She asked Christine to tell her about her duties and the personal skills necessary for this job. Can you help Christine explain it to her? What would you tell Tanja about your job? 36 Unit 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv