zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What other shops do you know? Think of sentences that the shop assistant might say. stationery shop:  e. g. The wrapping paper is over there, next to the pens and pencils. pet shop:  e. g. This litter tray is suitable for small apartments, as it is enclosed with a flap. bridal shop:  e. g. These are our most popular wedding dresses. Check the internet about the company you work for. Answer the questions below and make a short presentation of your company. If you have a computer available, you might print out the logo and create a poster. 1. What is the name of your company? 2. What is the company logo like? 3. Where are the headquarters? 4. What type of retailer is it? 5. How many employees does your company have? 6. What kind of goods do they sell? 7. Why did you choose this company to work for? Make a survey. Ask three people about his or her first days at the company. • Does he or she like his or her apprenticeship? • Did he or she choose the right retailer? • What about his or her colleagues? Are they nice/helpful? • Does he or she have any dreams concerning the future? Present your answers to your classmates. Name: Name: Name: Does he or she like his or her apprenticeship? Did he or she choose the right retailer? What about his or her colleagues? Are they nice/helpful? Does he or she have any dreams concerning the future? 08 A2 09 A2 10 A2 34 Unit Interaction 6 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv