zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What about your class? How many different languages do you speak? Look back at the languages in task 09. Do you speak any of these languages? Can you think of more nationalities and languages? Write them all on the blackboard. Then make a chart. Go back to task 01 and 02 and together with your partner find another pair. Take turns to describe your partner’s home to the other pair. Write the descriptions in the table. To see if your partner got your description of your home right, compare it with the drawing you made in 01. Name Where do they live? Who do they live with? What makes them feel at home? me The big picture game Your teacher will give you three sticky notes. First label them. Then stick them to the blackboard or a wall. Then take a sticky note from each category and try to find the person it belongs to. Someone will also be looking for you during the game! What does the big picture game tell you about your classmates? About yourself? Home away from home After reading the short text on your own, look at the picture and discuss the questions in a group of four. Create a poster to present your ideas. A dormitory is a multi-storey home just for students – a bit like an apartment building and also something like a youth hostel . At many dormitories, boys and girls live in separate sections of the building, but there are common areas for studying and socializing . In any case, living at the “dorm” isn’t permanent , but it’s a convenient and fun place to live while learning a profession or studying at a univer- sity away from home! • How many people do you think are living here? Why do they live here? • Have you ever shared a room like this before? What was it like living with a roommate? • What kind of furniture is inside the room? Is it a comfortable place to live and study? • How could you make a room like this more personal? Design your dream home! With a partner, draw a floor plan for a house or apartment that you would love to live in. After designing the layout, create a paper model of how your new home would look. Don’t forget to label all of the different rooms and furniture that you would like to have. 10 A2 11 A2 12 A2–B1 On the third sticky note, write the name of a place where one of your grandparents grew up. Draw a picture of something that reminds you of home on the first sticky note. Write the name of your hometown on the second note. 13 A2–B1 14 A2 30 Unit 5 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv