zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

More countries, nationalities and languages. All these people live in Austria, but they come from different countries. Complete the texts with the words from the box. 09 A2 Tip Nationality and language are often the same word. Egyptian Bosnian English Serbian Albania Hungarian Poland Chinese Romanian Biljana is from Croatia. She is Croatian. At home, she speaks Croatian. Tibor is from Hungary. He is  Hungarian  . He speaks Hungarian with his grandparents. Anna is from  Poland  . She is Polish. She speaks Polish with her family. Lucy is from the United Kingdom. She is British. She speaks German with her husband and  English with her children. Ahmed is from Egypt. He is  Egyptian  . He speaks Arabic when he phones his mother. Jiao is from China. She is Chinese. She speaks  Chinese with customers from China. Lejla is from Bosnia. She is  Bosnian  . When she is on holiday there she speaks Bosnian. Petru is from Romania. He is Romanian. He speaks  Romanian with his old friends. Enver is from  Albania  . He is Albanian. He speaks Albanian with his family. Bogdan is from Serbia. He is  Serbian  . He speaks Serbian with some of his colleagues. Mosaic Home, sweet home: Design a sign to hang in your home using your favourite of the quotes below. Translate your sign into German and explain it to your classmates. Home is where one starts from. (T. S. Eliot) It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home. (Author unknown) Home is where the heart is. (Pliny the Elder) Home life is no more natural to us than a cage is natural to a cockatoo. (George Bernard Shaw) There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. (Jane Austen) 29 5 Feeling at home  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv