zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

What does the word “home” mean to you? First, answer these questions: • Where do you live? • Who do you live with? Then discuss the place or places where you live and feel at home. • Is it a building? • A place? • The people you live with? • Would you rather live out in the country or in a big town or city? Draw a picture comparing your home to your partner’s or take notes. Where I feel at home Where my partner feels at home Where do people live? Kinds of homes: Building type: semi-detached house or “twin” apartment building detached house terraced houses bungalow How many levels? 2–3 many 2–3 2–3 1 How many families? 2 many 1 many one Country or city? both city both city country 01 A2 Word bank Introduction dormitory Studentenwohnheim background Hintergrund have something in common etwas gemeinsam haben 02 semi-detached house/twin Doppel­ haushälfte apartment building (AE)/block of flats (BE) Wohnblock detached house Einfamilienhaus terraced houses Reihenhäuser bungalow Bungalow level Stockwerk 02 A1 Feeling at home  Selina, Manuel and Elif are all 16 and in the same class. They also live in the same dormitory, but only when it’s time to come to vocational school in the city. Right now Selina, Manuel and Elif are discussing where they live during the rest of the year. They all have different backgrounds – but quite a lot of things in common as well. Did someone ever make you “feel at home” when you were away from your family? What kind of place would you like to call home someday? 26 Unit 5 My family has a farm in the mountains in Upper Austria. I grew up with two sisters and 50 cows! I have two homes – my family’s place in Austria and my grandparents’ house in Turkey! I live in an apartment with my dad and two brothers … not that different from being on a farm, Selina! Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv