zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Choose a partner you have not worked with before. Ask about their dreams and experiences in the new surroundings at school. Use the following questions, and then make up one or two of your own. • How do you feel in your class? Good, not so good or somewhere in between? • What are your expectations for your apprenticeship? • Do you find new friends easily? • What do you look for in a friend? Have you ever met someone and known immediately that they would be a good friend? • Have you ever taken a risky adventure? What did you do? • What would you like your life to be like when you are 47? Make three lists of all the adjectives you can find in this unit. Then write five sentences to describe your best friend. A stronger team If someone in your class seemed shy or had a difficult time making friends, what would you do? How could you help them start to fit in? Did you ever experience feeling left out at school? Make a plan for being a more inclusive class in a team of five. Present it as a skit. Use your favourite translation tool to look up the words in italics. Then, reread the text and summarize it. Create a new title for the text! “A period of upheaval” Adolescence , or “being a teenager”, is a time when you suddenly discover a fascinating new world bright with promise and opportunities . Making new friends and discovering your interests is very important. It is also a time when you might find yourself disagreeing with your parents more often. Parents want to keep their children safe and this clashes with young adults’ desires to be more independent . Some teens really do engage in risky behaviour – experimenting with sex, drugs, alcohol, or even extreme sports. You can choose your own adventure – but try to make choices that you won’t regret in the future. New title: Her parents’ fears Listen to Amy talk about how things have changed since she started her apprenticeship. Then hear her parents’ side of the story and compare them in a Venn diagram. Have you ever had a completely different opinion from someone close to you about something important? 07 A2–B1 08 A2 Tip You use adjectives to describe • what sb. or sth. looks like: He is tall/good-looking/strong. • what sb. feels like: She feels nervous on her first day at school. • the qualities somebody or something has: A good friend should be honest and reliable. 09 A2–B1 10 B1 11 B1 listening 4e4dc4 Amy: Amy’s parents: we agree on this: 20 Unit 3 Interaction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv