zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

How does this story end? Underline, then look up, any new words in the story. Read the beginning of Amy’s story. Then discuss it with a partner. • What do you think happened next? • Who did Amy meet? • What adventure did they go through? • How did her parents react? Discuss possible endings for the story. List them and present the one you like best to the class! Amy’s story Amy’s parents had always been proud of her. She was a decent student and a sweet kid, but of course, by the time she started her apprenticeship, she was growing up. Amy was pretty and fun to be around, so she always had lots of friends and plenty of things to do on the weekend. However, her mother and father began to worry about her after she met someone special who shared an interest in her new hobby, visiting “haunted houses” … Now listen and find out what really happened. Tick the image that best matches the story. How do you feel about new experiences? How far do you agree with the following statements? I fully agree I agree somewhat My opinion is different I want to experience as much as I can – the whole world is open to brave young people. I will never do anything illegal and dangerous. New people are interesting and exciting! I am a good and faithful friend, but it’s hard to get to know me. I am shy and it’s difficult for me to “come out of my shell”. It’s important to try new things when you are young. Most people just want to use you – it’s better to keep to yourself. Actually, most people are pretty cool and I would prefer to be friendly and open to new opportunities. Mosaic Create a story for the man in the picture. What is his profession? Why is he feeling so blue? What will happen to him next? 04 A2–B1 Word bank 04 proud stolz decent anständig, nett haunted house Haus, in dem es spukt on the weekend = AE at the weekend = BE 05 abandoned verlassen technically illegal streng genommen illegal amazing fantastisch, toll, unglaublich snap hier: durchschneiden rusty chain rostige Kette wire cutter Drahtschere 05 A2–B1 listening q3d495 06 A2–B1 19 Am I really so different?  3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv