zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Feeling blue? How did you feel on the first day? In the blue box, write down how you felt on the first day of voca­ tional school. Were you nervous, excited, scared, happy? After com­ pleting your own box, ask two classmates how they felt and take notes about them in the other two boxes. Me: Classmate 1: Classmate 2: Present your two classmates and compare their feelings to your own. Use phrases like:  Use a translation tool to look up the words in the table. Underline your favourite word in each group. Which ones do you prefer to use to describe yourself? Why? Group of words Why I like it: teenager, adolescent, young person, young adult apprentice, trainee, intern vocation, profession, job, calling curious, enterprising, engaged 01 A2 Tip In English, the phrase “feeling blue” means that you are feeling slightly sad, or “a little bit down”. It’s when you need a friend to cheer you up. 02 A2 My classmate (name) felt really (excited) on the first day of school because (he or she loves meeting new people) but I felt really (nervous) because (I don’t like it when other people judge me). 03 A2–B1 Am I really so different?  It’s hard for David to make friends at vocational school. School has been in session for two weeks, but he still feels like an outsider. He feels like part of the team at the small family company he works for, but most of the other apprentices at school work together at a larger firm. How can David become a part of the team at school, too? Have you ever felt excluded*? What did you do to change the situation? * ausgeschlossen 18 Unit 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv