zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Match the sentences parts. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Austrian apprenticeship takes Vocational school can be The employer must release you from The remuneration or pay is fixed A B C D called job school. place in two places. for each apprenticeship. work for the duration of the school. Are these subjects taught at vocational school in Austria? a) History b) Chemistry c) Occupational English d) Economics and Commercial Mathematics e) Geography f) Sales Training Which country do these statements apply to – UK, Austria or USA? a) Students must pay for their education once they are 19. UK and USA b) There is no dress code for students. USA and Austria c) Students start repaying their student loan when they earn over £21,000. UK d) Students are trained at a college/school and by a company. Austria e) Students can get to major in a field that they might want to follow as a future career while still at High School. USA f) Students can get job experience through student internships. USA g) Students are paid regularly for their work. Austria Name behaviour that is bullying. calling someone names, posting nasty messages about someone on Facebook, sending threatening text messages, beating, making someone look ridiculous, banging someone’s head against the wall, stealing someone’s money, grabbing, choking, teasing, taking or breaking someone’s things, “happy slapping”, harassing someone, shoving someone, breaking someone’s nose 16 A2 17 A1 ✗ ✗ ✗ 18 A2–B1 19 A2 What I can now do: ●● I can talk about the Austrian vocational school system.  ➤ 16 Ich kann über das österreichische Berufsschulsystem sprechen. ●● I can name the subjects taught in vocational school in Austria.  ➤ 17 Ich kann die Fächer, die an der Berufsschule unterrichtet werden, nennen. ●● I know the main differences between vocational training in Austria, the UK and the US.  ➤ 18 Ich kenne die größten Unterschiede zwischen der Berufsausbildung in Österreich, Großbritannien und den USA. ●● I can name bullying behaviour.  ➤ 19 Ich kann über Mobbing sprechen. 2 Welcome to vocational school Check yourself 17 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv