zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

Unit 6 11. speciality stores, department stores, discount store, supermarkets, warehouse stores 12. supermarkets: Spar, Merkur, Billa … clothes shops: Esprit, Benetton, H&M, Mango, Zara, Primark … shoe shops: Deichmann, Humanic, Delka, Salamander, Geox … DIY stores: OBI, Hornbach … 13. 1.E, 2.F, 3.A, 4.B, 5.D, 6.C 14. individual answers, for example: The name of my company is Humanic. The company logo is a capital H, in green colour. It is a retail chain. There are six staff at my branch. We sell shoes, boots and sandals. Unit 7 15. 1. It’s eighteen minutes to four in the afternoon. 2. It’s 3:42 p.m. 3. It’s three fortytwo in the afternoon. 16. assisting customers, working at the till, giving customers change and the receipt, cleaning the shop floor, weighing fruit and vegetables, dealing with customer complaints 17. a), b), d), e), f) 18. 1.E, 2.F, 3.A, 4.B, 5.D, 6.C 19. 1.B, 2.A, 3.D, 4.C Unit 8  9. 1.A, 2.B, 3.C, 4.D 10. a) Being friendly to customers; c) Listening to instructions carefully; d) Being interested in finetuning your skills at work; e) Being on time 11. 1. Bad, 2. Bad, 3. Good, 4. Bad, 5. Good, 6. Bad, 7. Good, 8. Good, 12. b), c), = d) Unit 9 15. physical, mental, social wellbeing 16. smoking, drinking alcohol, not doing sports, eating too much fast food, spending too much time in front of the computer or smart phone 17. 1. saturated fat – unhealthy, 2. sugar – unhealthy, 3. processed food – unhealthy, 4. fast food – unhealthy, 5. vegetables – healthy, 6. noodles – unhealthy, 7. too much or processed meat – unhealthy, 8. nuts – healthy, 9. fruit – healthy 18. structure, mind map, eat nuts, don’t drink alcohol, take breaks, relax 19. relax, take a break, make a priority list, meet friends, talk to someone; Ask yourself what’s important and what’s not. Don’t let anything or anyone “make” you feel anything negative. Unit 10 10. 1.E, 2.D, 3.A, 4.C, 5.B 11. 1. confront, 2. ignore, 3. discuss, 4. mediate, 5. discuss and confront 12. 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 2 13. report trolling, phishing and spamming; be careful when sharing photos and personal information 169 Solutions for the Check yourself-pages Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv