zielsicher Englisch, Handel, Schulbuch

(Asking for the price) How much does it cost? What’s the price? 1 (Decision) Yes, that is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for your help! Unfortunately, that won’t work because… (reason) 4 Great, you were a terrific help. I really appreciate your assistance. 2 Thank you for your help! 6a (Positive sale J ) Yes, that would be great! (No sale L ) No, I think I’d prefer to try somewhere else. 6b Thanks anyway. I’ll check out that other store. 6c I think this could be exactly what you are looking for, then. It’s got (make a list of the things the customer asked for). 3 I’m glad that this/these (product(s)) work(s) for you! 5a I’m sorry we don’t have exactly what you are looking for. We could order it from… 5b (One more suggestion Not quite finished…) Maybe you should try at… (another store suggestion) 5c I’m happy to have been able to help. I’ll bring your purchase(s) to the till/cash register. 1 Phase 4: Helping the customer with their buying decision Tip Even if the price isn’t too important, most people like to know how much something costs before they buy it. Even if you can’t help the customer get exactly what they want, you did try to help them. Your helpful attitude will make sure they come back to your store! You did your best to help… With your help the customer is fi­ nally getting a new favourite item. (Giving the price) It costs… Our price is… euros/pounds/dollars 2 Closing the sale Shop assistant Customer 167 Shopping dialogue phrases Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv